GST: 20ACEFA0785C1Z2 | Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Established in the year 2023, Apna Business Industries is a leading manufacturer and seller of Chappal Making Machine, Paper Plate Making Machine, etc. We are recognized in the industry for offering top-notch products and services, making business easy for our customers. Our product ranges are highly advanced and customized to offer productivity, easy usability, and extraordinary applications.

Our headquarters is situated in Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. Equipped with a series of advanced equipment and accessories, our infrastructure is designed to meet any requirement. Our team of professional experts utilizes our advancement and delivers products such as Poultry Feed Machines, Automatic Notebook Edge Square, Paper Tea Cup Making Machine, Surgical Mask Making Machine, Cold Press Oil Expeller Machine, etc., acknowledged for their applications in the market.

We’ve designed our workspace to work on a series of products in a row. Dignified in the industry, there’s a variety of products we manufacture and deal in. Some of our widely praised product ranges include Cold Press Oil Expeller Machines, Automatic Camphor Making Machines, Notebook Edge Squaring Machine, Screw Cold Press Machine, Notebook Making and Cutting Machine, Automatic Pasta Making Machine, etc. Optimizing our service to offer product results, we are building trust in the industry with ethical business principles.

Year of Establishment
Age of Company
2023 Years
1 - 2 Crore
Man Power
1 - 50
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